Thursday, April 12, 2007

as a human being...

...i've learned that i can't put all of my trust in other homo sapiens, and it sounds tragic, but in reality it's totally true. my confidence is high and i stay calm in the most extreme situations, but even i too can be tested and put through the fire. what i've been learning to do is to put my faith and trust in christ and let everything else fall into place. i'm not announcing a renowned faith in jesus because it's something that i've always had. i'm also not saying that i have found and started following ALL the practices of my christian counterparts because that's something that lies within me and it's also something that i don't share with everyone. what i am sharing with you all is a new spiritual "something" that continues to guide me in the right direction and lead me down the correct path to success.

the other day, a friend asked me, "what prayers are you praying, because the ones i say don't work." it's not that prayer doesn't work, but when i do pray it's something that i truly have faith in and it's also something that i try to speak into existence. if i say it, then more than likely i'll make it happen. the good thing is, not only do i pray for myself but i also pray for those around me. there are enough blessings for all of us. we just have to accept them and acknowledge the fact that we appreciate what is being done for us.




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