Tuesday, June 06, 2006

no more monotany

i've been really bored these past couple of weeks. one, because i've been broke as a joke, and also because i've just been working overnight and sleeping all day. that's no way to live this life i have. well, some may enjoy it, but i'm too eager to take on new challenges and learn new talents to be sleeping all day.

today my position with the blue bird corporation was finalized. supervisor said she was anxious to get me started; matter of fact, she wanted me to start today but they didn't have a computer and telephone, and direct contact line for me so we had to postpone until monday. will be in the materials department. *smile* i feel all important and stuff. lol.

and i just started filling out my application to take the lsat in september. it's on september 30th and i'm ordering prep books with old tests and stuff in them because their only $8 and i'm not about to pay thousands of dollars for a three day class (ashley) because i can teach myself! and i'm not trying to be arrogant or conceited or any other synonyms but i am smart and can figure out most things for myself; but really, a nigga is just broke and i can't spare a couple thousand right now. if i could, my car would be totally paid for- feel me?

i'm ready to get started. it'll be a new environment for me because "ain't nothing but some white folks up in that piece" so i guess i'll be the token negro for now. for now.

still reading and writing on the daily. i haven't had daily access to my computer, so i've been writing in my journal a lot. there's a lot of personal stuff in there too, but there are a few things that my good friends can read. nothing that i haven't already told you if you're one of those people.

craddock, thanks for the book, "The New Black Renaissance." I've only read a couple of pages and it's very promising. very. okay, gotta go have some encounters with samiya's sofa. daydreaming won't cut it. i need the real thing. and it's so peaceful here. i miss this place. holla back.



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