Monday, May 15, 2006

it's been a long time...

...i shouldn't have left you. without a dope rhyme to step to... wussup my peeps. i know it's been a while and i haven't even posted this month but blame time and not my mind because i've just been hella busy. things have been looking quite promising for your boy. i had an interview at blue bird. yessir, thank you, but you can stop clapping now, and they want me to do this office job from 8-4 (some kind of technical writing gig) and then i'm working overnight at sams doing inventory from 9pm-5am, so me and sleep are losing the love that we once had for one another, but that happens sometimes. we'll find our way back in eachother's arms in a couple of weeks.

changed the place where i rest my head...yup, back at dad's house, and i'm not going to be there long. just wanted to save a little dough before i moved up near atl, no need of taking all those bills with me when i leave the mac town. and i need a corolla because those shits get 30-something miles per gallon and the lex barely get twenty! some bullshit. the gooey icky kind and it stinks.

been reading a lot lately and chillin' with my homeboy drinking on them bud lights (come on now, you know i gotta get my drink on) and i'm loving the life of a graduate. i kinda have this feeling like, "ok, now what" but then again it's satisfying. like a gatorade when you're hot but not really thirsty- cool you off for the time being. and i'm proud of toy and terrence (and ya'll better be glad ya'll my folk) cause we drove a long way and went to the graduation and afterparty and let's just say samiya and viness didn't sleep that night because work was calling by the time the car was put back in park.

but anyway, i'm going to get off this blog. hopefully it won't be this long for my next one, but i really don't have internet access like i used to because dad's computer is in his room and i really don't like people up in my shit, and since i know he thinks like me...feel me?

long see.


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