Wednesday, January 04, 2006

what can i do?

i stayed up late the other night watching the oprah's 20th anniversary dvd that my girlfriend and i had bought my roommate for christmas. as i was watching, something really hit me. during her interview with sidney potier, she asked him how his life had changed and what he was most thankful for. he then replied, "i'm just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary life." after hearing that i wondered to myself, "how can i make my life extraordinary? what more can i do to make this life i live better for myself and those around me?"

now i have to admit that i do have a pretty good life. my parents split up when i was only one, but my dad has ever since made sure that i was always taken care of and that my mom and i never went in desperate need of anything. i graduated with honors from high school, and i've had a pretty decent college career. all that's good stuff, but i want things to be extraordinary. it may sound like a lot to ask for, but if i set my standards way high, then it gives me bigger challenges. people have told me over and over that my goals would be difficult to accomplish, but i never think that anything is unattainable, which i think makes me unique among others that i went to school with.

you see, sometimes people let life get the best of them. if things go wrong, it's hard for them to regroup and find a way off of the dead end road. the way i see it, there are too many highways for anybody to get lost in life. life presents us with difficult situations, but once you figure out the constant changes, life's really not that hard. i look at every situation as a stepping stone, a process that uncovers new truths about myself and that will ultimately give me greater wisdom and insight as my years progress. sometimes i think that i'm ahead of my years. i've sat with some of my elders and heard them talk about the good old days, and even now my friends and i can reminisce on the times we've had. those are the moments that make life special- when you can overlook all of the pain in your present state and escape through memories of a better time.

i'm grateful for this new year and everything that it holds in store for me. i made uncountable mistakes last year, and i've came in contact with people who have changed my life so drastically that it makes me anxious to see not only what type of people will come into my life this year, but also which ones will present their true personalities and escape the pleasure of being one of my close associates. i'm not perfect by a long shot, but as long as i have air in my lungs and can make life better for myself and those around me i'll do my best to give it a shot. i'm aiming for an extraordinary life. it may be a little difficult to accomplish, but it's definitely not unattainable.


Blogger nrTHEbyrom said...

there must be something in the air then... it's like electricity. i'm feeling the same way greg. we are going to rule the fucking world. free and otherwise. please believe. but it takes diligence and support. i've come to realize alot since we got out of school....i'll tell you about them later. just our wanting to be better will make us better, and counting and claiming all of our past mistakes will make us wiser. happy new year greg.

1:42 PM  

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