Saturday, January 07, 2006

a look out, or outlook

some people really can't grasp the concept of life. the concept of learning from every experience and making that your driving force toward a better situation. my greatest fear in life is that i will be unsuccessful. there are countless things that i could worry about, but my personality and my faith in God keeps me grounded. i pray a lot also, not at night before i go to bed or anything the ordinary human being does, but i pray throughout the course of the day. it's almost like having a conversation with the ever-present spirit that surrounds us. it gives me a sense of being, a sense of purpose, a sense of calmness, and that's what a lot of others need to do.

we all have problems in life but we cannot let those problems get the best of us. some of us have bills that are overdue, cars that need to be fixed, siblings that need guidance, etc., but having a positive outlook on life can change so many of these things around for each and every one of us. if we do not love ourselves and don't do things to make things better, then things will never be any better. a rock that sits in the street will forever sit in that same spot if nobody ever moves it. life's the same way. it's really not that complicated!

everyone needs to get on the bandwagon. it's 2006 and time for some new shit to come into existence. no time for the games, no time for any of the dumb shit that took place last year. time for a change and by that i mean something good. something that will make everybody smile and say, "you know what, i appreciate that." i know this world we live in is far from a utopia, but we can make things work for ourselves, make things benefit ourselves but we have to believe it. nobody else can make us believe it, we have to do that part ourselves.

think about it.
2006- time for some new shit

peace and love


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