Friday, November 04, 2005

tired...i guess

i've been working my ass off- literally! this week was a tough one, and trying to work full time and go to school full time has really been putting a hurting on me. but i guess i just have to get used to it. the thing is, the peeps at my job know that i'm a good worker, so they try to work the shit out of me. why is that? they find the good workers and put so much pressure on them that they run them away and then they are stuck with a bunch of sorry mofos who don't want to be there in the first place. it's crazy, but then life is crazy so what's new?

the thing is i'm feeling really tired right now, but i keep thinking that i'm going to miss something if i go to sleep. i know that sounds weird as hell, but that's just me- i really could give a damn if people thought i was weird or not. but i will be climbing into the serta once my clothes get through washing.

i'm looking forward to the weekend because it indicates that the week is about to end, and like i said this week has had me not knowing whether i was coming or going. at any rate, i'm about to go crash out for the night. i can tell that i'm tired cause i just keep talking about the same shit over and over. *yawns*

lord protect me as i rest
and try to dismiss the stress
that was brought upon me this day
i thank you for all that you've given
and all that you've taught me thus far
and ask that you lead me, my family
and my host of friends into another joyous day.


until next time...


Blogger nrTHEbyrom said...

i know the feeling. i quit the new job i got last night because i just felt like if i went to work no matter what i do, i will not graduate and that is enough to make me kill me bout 3 bitches.

7:19 AM  

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