Tuesday, February 14, 2006

for lovers only...probably...probably not

i sit here and think of schemes; i think of things that will surprise others because my joy comes from making others happy, making them feel good. and i'm enjoying today for some reason. of course, we all know of the obvious reasons-lover's day- but my love is far away but i guess you could say it's in the air. but what's with the thought that valentine's day is for lovers only? i'm having flashbacks of high school when i sporadically would give my friends gifts, when i would give my mom gifts, buy my brothers shoes and shirts, and my dad cologne and watches- just random stuff. but they say it's for lovers only. i disagree. unless you would consider your family members your lovers also? hell naw! that's on some other shit and i only drink beer and liquor- ya feel me? so we'll say it's for the people that you love, people that mean a lot to you and keep it at that.

so i've been thinking about keeping this new journal full of the feelings that i have for my significant other, something that i would keep until the day we wed and only give it to her on our honeymoon. it would be full of stories and poetry inspired from things that we've done (good and bad stuff because if it was only the good it wouldn't be real). i think it's a good idea. a way to relive the past when age falls upon us. something to look into. like living precious moments all over again. but then maybe i'm just letting cupid get the best of me, or bring out the best, whatever the case may be. idea given. idea taken. it's a wrap. made up my mind, and it's on.

peace and LOVE


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