Sunday, February 26, 2006


my life's become a schedule and i'm not satisfied with that. hopefully, with spring break knocking at the door, i'll have a chance to make a change and enjoy my days. i've been going to school full time and working 31+ hours, which makes my work status full time also. it's like sometimes i don't know how to function because there aren't enough hours in the day for me to get everything done; and i have to get at least five or six hours of sleep (with a 15 or 20 minute nap every now and then during the day). then again, i would rather be hella busy than hella bored. there are all of these books i want to read, cds i want to listen to, poems i want to write, but the reality of it is i just don't have time to do any of that; and i'm not complaining because even though i enjoy free time, bills keep calling my name. so many things in life come and go, but bills will always be faithful! won't leave you alone for shit!

but i'll take this break time and fully accept it. i think it's a little early for spring break but maybe the ever-knowing power knew that i needed some time to pull it all together, some time to enjoy myself, and my life. time for some excitement. i wonder what i'll be able to scratch out on the agenda first?!

much love


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